Specific place within a store where a particular product is stored or displayed. It's essentially a code or identifier used to organize and locate items within the store's inventory system.
Discover top-rated products using the BBB Product Category, known for exceptional quality, innovative design, and outstanding performance.
The Facebook product category represents the item according to the Facebook product taxonomy. This taxonomy organizes products for sale into categories and subcategories.
- Aptitud Física
- Artes Marciales
- Atletismo
- Baloncesto
- Béisbol
- Bolos
- Boxeo
- Cámping
- Ciclismo
- Correr
- Fútbol
- Fútbol Americano
- Golf
- Nadar
- Ping-Pong
- Sofbol
- Tenis
- Voleibol
- Waterpolo
- Yoga Y Pilates
- No Aplica